Occupational Therapy

Our highly qualified and experienced staff provide services including:

Functional Assessment

Functional skill assessment and intervention recommendations to support increased every day living skills, participation and independence through task analysis and implementation.

Community Access Intervention 

Recommendations for accessing valued activities in a persons life with planning task completion, equipment, supports and accessibility in the community.

Prescription of Equipment

We work together to improve mobility, pressure care, transfers, daily task completion, access in all environments with simple and custom complex assistive technology.

Sensory Processing

We are able to work on completing assessments and reporting to inform and provide recommendations to support the individual and their support network to manage their environment and assist their participation / coping for optimal function and participation.

 It has been very exciting to work along side one of our individuals to move from being fully dependent on others for all task completion to now being an active member of his daily tasks such as moving himself for dressing and transfers. He is now the primary participant in his own hoist transfers as the individual managing the controller and staff assist his movement from bed to chair as required.

Positioning Programs

This is done with 24 hr positioning through movement and equipment
along side physiotherapists.

Manual Handling

To ensure safety of individuals and support networks we develop safe transfer programs and training for the individual.

Environmental Assessment

Assessment and recommendations to achieve safe and suitable living in the community. 

Being able to hear the things that are most important to our individuals and work through how they can regain those valued roles and tasks in their life following the impact of disability. The opportunity to assist a lady to get along the bush track she has walked every day for many years and sit at the look out for the first time in 4 years was a privilege to be able part of and work to achieve for her to independently include in her every day.